Customer's Name: ____________________________________
Full Address: _______________________________________
Time of Function: ____________________________________
Location(s)of Function:________________________________
Guaranteed Total # of Guests__________________________
Guaranteed Min.Charge:$300.00(Unless otherwise specified)
Retainer Fee: $300.00 or half of Total (unless otherwise specified)
Home Telephone:_________________________________
Type of Function:_________________________________
# of Adults__________# of Children Age 0-3__________
# of Children Age 4-7__________
Location Fee if applies:____________________________
General Information and Policies
Our professional resources in culinary and service skills afford you complete assurance that all commitments will be carried
out to your satisfaction. In order to ensure you and your guests of a well-organized function, we must ask that we both adhere
to the following catering policies:
Payments and Retainer Fee
Billing arrangements for all events must be made in accordance with catering policies. There is a 50% retainer fee on
all events, unless prior arrangements have been made with our catering coordinator. We accept cash, checks and money orders.
Checks should be made out to DelmaRae Menke for Rose Cottage Wedding Services. We are sorry at this time we are not able
to accept credit cards. If we receive a payment for services via check and that payment bounces with our bank you will be
responsible for a $30.00 fee.
The coordinator must be notified of the exact number for which you wish to guarantee services for not later than five
working days before the event. In the event a guarantee service number is not received, the original estimated attendance
count will be prepared and charged. The charge for each additional person set up at patron's request will be made and patron
agrees to pay at Caterer's established rate of $25.00 per person.
All applicable state and local taxes will be imposed and paid by the client. If the client's organization is tax exempt,
the caterer must receive a certificate reflecting the client's exemption status not later than five working days before the
event. If the caterer does not receive this certificate, the client agrees to pay all taxes associated with the event.
If the client cancels a contracted food and beverage event, and/or facility, the caterer can retain all or a portion of
the retainer fee as liquidated damages.
Portion Sizes
Most of our menu items are sold on a per guest basis, with portion sizes having been determined by our experienced catering
staff. If you would like information regarding exact quantities, please do not hesitate to ask our catering coordinator.
Leftover Food
When we are on location to serve food, we usually carry more than we expect to serve. When offsite for a long period of
time, we have extended food temperatures and holding conditions to a point that we will not release leftover food to you or
your guests. This policy is required by the Illinois Department of Health. We trust you will co-operate.
Catering Contract
1. I, Patron, agree, to pay for all guests attending but not less than for the number of guests guaranteed. Caterer
may limit services to the number of guests guaranteed or the number of guests Caterer deems to be the maximum for the facility.
Arrangement for additional guests and menu changes must be made at least five (5) days prior to the functions and such final
guarantee, whether oral or written, shall be binding on patron as if originally guaranteed. In no event shall guarantee be
less than originally agreed upon.
2. The change of each additional person set up at patron's request after the five (5) day period prior to event will
be made and patron agrees to pay at Caterer's established rate of $25.00 per person.
3. No event will be permitted to run over the time agreed upon without Caterer's approval. Caterer reserves the right
to make reasonable additional charges for events running beyond the time agreed upon. The agreed charge is $50.00 per hour.
4. In the event patron cancels or otherwise breaches this agreement, Caterer shall retain $300.00 and/or any reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Caterer of deposit for damages. A schedule of cancellation charges follows:
5. Any balance due will be paid in cash, money order or check within seven (7) days of the start time of function.
6. Delinquent Accounts - we reserve the right to assess finance charges on any amount unpaid when due at an interest
rate of 1 ½% per month or the maximum rate permitted by law.
7. In the event that the caterer must seek legal remedies to complete execution of this contract, the client agrees to
pay all reasonable attorney fees.
8. When patron wants to supply any food to be brought on the premises, patron must secure written approval and endorsement
of Caterer before such food will be allowed on the premises.
9. Caterer reserves the right to substitute items that become unavailable in the open market or that exceeds reasonable
market costs. Caterer will notify patron for approval if time allows.
10. Caterer and/or its agents will be liable for any damage to property entrusted to its employees, for the loss of any
property by theft or otherwise. Patron assumes responsibility for any damages to any property rented to patron that may be
caused by patrons, members, guests or invitees.
11. Caterer shall have no responsibility or liability for failure to supply any services when prevented from doings so
by strikes, accidents or any cause beyond Caterer's control, or by orders of any governmental authority, except to return
said retainer fee within sixty (60) days.
12. Caterer will charge one-half the menu price per person for musicians and photographers participating in the function.
13. Caterer reserves the right to regulate the volume of music played during the function.
This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. No modifications or cancellations thereof shall
be valid nor of any force effect unless in writing signed by the Caterer. The undersigned acknowledges that (s)he has read
and accepted all the terms of CATERING AGREEMENT and had executed the Agreement on the:
(Date)___________________ by returning it within ten (10) working days. Failure to comply will risk securing the aforementioned
contracted day of function.
The agreement coincides with the CATERING ORDER WORKSHEET which outlines the exact type of food, times and equipment to
be provided by caterer for patron. A copy of the CATERING ORDER WORKSHEET must accompany this agreement to make it whole.
______________________________________ DATE __________
______________________________________ DATE __________
Nauvoo Wedding Services
DelmaRae Menke
315 S. Gordon St. PO Box 12
Nauvoo IL 62354
217-453-6818 Cell